Monday, May 4, 2009

It's time to start a blog

It seems like a good idea to start a blog. I'm not exactly sure what direction I'm going to take it. But I'm thinking it'll probably end up a little mix of things including information and thoughts on the Snuggle Monsters that I make, charities I'm involved with, personal stories and musings, links to things I like online, and anything else I feel like. We shall see. 

Here are some of the monsters I've been making. You can find more in my shop.


Meaghan said...

Congrats on the blog! Looking forward to watching the Snuggle Monsters evolve. :-) said...

Holy cow- do I get to be the first to say on this blog how cool the Snuggle Monsters are!?

Blogging is fun- here's hoping you enjoy the experiment!

~ Brian

Kimmie.K said...

Very cute monsters! Good luck! said...

D'oh! Meaghan beat me by 2 little minutes.

Jessica said...

Welcome to blogging! Good luck, and keep those fantastic, cute monsters comin'!

ChasingMyStar said...

Oh wow thanks everyone! I didn't even realize that I had all these comments here! Did they just pop up?! haha. Thanks!! I'm excited about the blog!

Ocracoke Island said...

Very cute monsters, Mary