Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spirit Jump

I am so excited about this new program that I’ve joined.  It’s so amazing that I just couldn't wait any longer to share it.

Over ten million people in the United States have cancer right now, and I’d be willing to bet that they could all use something to raise their spirits. That’s just what this program aims to do. And it’s so simple. They let us know about people who need a jump and we respond. It can be with some sort of gift, or even just a card. It’s a way to uplift people, and give their spirit a “jump”. 

It’s just a collection of people who care. We all have different reasons for joining and caring, but I find it uplifting just to know that there are so many other people out there who want to do something like this.

I already have at least one person that I am going to send something to.  I’m going to send one of the Snuggle Monsters that I make to a 3 year old battling cancer. You just know that a 3 year old going through this can use all the encouragement and comfort that he can get. So it seems perfect to send a stuffed animal monster to him. It’s something he can hug when he’s sad or scared. I’m not sure yet what kind of monster to make him, but since he is 3 I am leaning towards one of these small ones that his small hands can grab on to easily. We’ll see. I’m sure I’ll write more about this great program in the future and share the monsters (and other things) that I send.

It’s responses like this that make it evident that what we are doing makes an impact:  "I have been overwhelmed by the heartfelt cards and beautiful gifts complete strangers have sent me."

Spirit Jump is a program that directly connects the gift giver with a person battling cancer. It was founded in November, 2008 by two young women who have both battled cancer.

If you’re interested in more information about this great program or already know you want to be a part of it just send an email to and they’ll send you an email telling exactly how the program works.  

If you need a spirit jump or know someone who does send an email to

Take a look for yourself at their website and follow them on twitter @spiritjump


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